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Recurring Task Planner

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Recurring Task Planner


Keep track of all your recurring tasks and house chores, car maintenance, and house maintenance tasks in this handy task planner in Excel 2016 and above.

The best part about this planner is that it will keep you on track. Even if you are late for doing one of your chores, it will set your next due date based on when you actually completed the task.

No more guessing and getting overwhelmed with tasks that keep showing up on your list based on fixed schedules.

This planner is only compatible with Excel 2016 and above.


A full preview and tutorial about how it works on YouTube:


Excel task planner's main features

- set task frequency in days, weeks, months, years

- task button to mark a task completed

- logs every task completed in a task log

- sets following due data based on the actual completion date and set frequency

- override the next due date manually

- colour codes overdue tasks in red, tasks due today in yellow

- auto-sorts tasks by the due date (next due always come first)

- add new tasks by copy-pasting existing column

See how this is made in the blog post here:

This file contains macros, it will only work on a computer capable of running macros in Excel 2016 and above.

Does not work with the Excel online application.

Does not work on iPads or other tables.

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